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70+ Short Les Brown Quotes On Life, Dreams, And Motivation

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Les Brown Introduction

American entrepreneur, writer, and motivational speaker. Les Brown Quotes were golden words to be remembered.He was a radio DJ and always made roads through his words. He was black in color and promoted many people through his work, and he wrote many lessons and poetry to encourage every age of people.

les brown quotes
les brown quotes

Les Brown Quotes

The best ever quotes shared by Les Brown are given here.

  • “Advises from others can’t decide your future.”
  • “Lead others, straight the paths and load possibilities you will definitely achieve your goal.”
  • “We should be the owner of our own life and destinations we should learn our self to beat our hardships and opinions of others.”
  • “Live with to courage to attain what have to distinguish between past and future.”
  • “Your previous life can make you hide from the future representation.”
  • “Being myself is what I have reached today.”
  • “Being broken taught me how to live with scars.”
  • “Reach the bright part of anything and leave darkness inside it.”
  • “I always get myself to bring me higher after seeing my own position.”
  • “Ignore the things that keep you putting down.”
  • “Start in a new way to learn again your rules.”
  • “Seeing what we have and others always disappoints.”
  • “To bring your goal to you is bringing yourself to up.”
  • “Your disabilities don’t cause your failure but reach you by putting fire on your scars.”
  • “Commitments are the power of one to reach you at some right place.”

Les Brown Motivational Quotes

Motivation is the power of non-existence but exists and leads one. Les Brown Quotes Where no physical motivation is brought but it shows us to do what we had and to put us on the right way.

Les Brown Motivational Quotes are given below:

  • “Brought down is not what we have to go for but this misleading aware you from positive and negative things.”
  • “We have our self our soul and mind to fight why to lose hope.”
  • “Our today work is what we had tomorrow.”
  • “Believe me where we have to reach we don’t focus but only dream.”
  • “Don’t ask questions but write your fate.”
  • “We don’t live for dreams we live for things that scare us.”
  • “Bring the right things and positive attitudes and I will show you a bright future.”
  • “If you suffer from a bad time you have to enjoy a good time.”
  • “Nothing can bring you down but your fear from people.”
  • “Let’s climb together and see what we have.”
  • “Do things that make you happy not what that people decide and hurry them up.”
  • “Believe me I had nothing to lose but I lost.”

Les Brown Quotes about Life

Life is what we live and how we spent, engage and reach destinations

Les brown quotes about life are:

  • “Life is mature and you have to be aged to enjoy where you are.”
  • “Life doesn’t put borders but we bring by no reason.”
  • “Dreams are secrets assigned to you not to fall but to lead.”
  • “Meet me I motivate people.”
  • “Show me your bright side to cover up the darkness.”
  • “I was still learning and I reached my goal.”
  • “Work hard if you believe to have beautiful life.”
  • “life is dull and tired boost it with motivation.”
  • “I had no idea where to go but I believe to reach.”
  • “Circumstances change people, environment, and goals so you don’t have to wait for it. You have to look ahead putting all the narrow environment behind the back to avail right thongs.”
  • “Don’t depart your feelings until you have nothing to reach but a beautiful life to achieve.”
  • “Don’t run useless boost yourself and follow your dream.”
  • “I had beautiful life actually I had worked for it.”
  • “Believe me You are the reason for your own success.”
  • “You have to do it by own because no one is here to work for you until you do it.”
  • “My dreams are mine and yours are not mine so don’t work for others.”
  • “working for others is not going to reach you the right place but to reach them.”

Les Brown Quotes Graveyard

As every person will be going to die so here we are sharing Les brown quotes about graveyard.

  • “Your adventure will end in nothing but in the dark graveyard.”
  • “We have a life to for that or leave yourself for graveyard.”
  • “Everyone had own goals set but go regularly.”
  • “Going with random way will not lead you.”
  • “We have to go through our own problems no one will do it for us.”
  • “Beat the racers, not in walking but chasing your dreams.”
  • “Slow don’t mention to lose but to jump with power.”
  • “You don’t have anything that can bring you down until you lose.”
  • “Meet the whole world but follow only one who motivates you.”
  • “Cheap dresses, sad heart and broken by people will bring you to be high.”
  • “If you believe to be high work for it.”
  • “My broken home had not taught me to sleep well.”
  • “Full of everything I mean graveyard.”
  • “Everybody had a life and graveyard.”
  • “Sleep until you believe you have reached your life goals.”


I hope you will be motivated as well as inpired by reading the Les Brown quotes about life, dreams, motivation, and graveyard. As these are the top author quotes which is used mostly for motivation purpose. If you like to read more about Les Brown than visit here.

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